Monday, January 28, 2013

This is whats new

First of all i have like no followers except for three so i dont even know why i write on my freaking blog. i guess mostly for my family (sisters and brothers) who live far away, and to give me something to do every once in a while, like right now because im laying in bed not being able to sleep (i can never sleep, at this point its impossible.) Anyways so here is the run down on whats been going on in my life. I started school, i am taking psychology and sociology. So far it isnt bad, i just hate doing homework and i procrastinate so im always doing it last minute, but at least i get it done and turned in receiving pretty dang good scores, we will see how long i can keep it up, especially after tests start popping up, baby gets here and so on. Next item, I am now 36 weeks! holy cow i have come a long way, but its still not over yet 4 more weeks but maybe he will surprise me and come a little sooner. (probably not but i can hope right?) I did pass my glucose test i mentioned in my last post so thats good, im measuring right on schedule, and as far as i know everything with baby is going well. I am starting to worry now though about everything that is headed my way, and soon! I worry about contractions, pushing, how long ill be in labor for, if he is going to be head down or not, if im going to have to have a c section, if he is going to be ok after he comes out, what is it going to be like having to take care of a child for the rest of my life. I think im freaking myself out a little too much but then again i am so excited for him to be here, i cant imagine what its going to be like to finally have him! Im trying to enjoy my last few weeks of baby free time but im pretty ready to be done.

36 weeks.

  • Sleep? what sleep?
  • starting to get some nice red stretch marks
  • Still working out, hoping it will help get him here sooner!
  • my back is starting to bother me, but only when i lay down.
Other than feeling tired all day long but never getting any sleep im feeling pretty good.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

forgot the pics

bare belly might be a bit too much, but i did it anyways.

wrote on monday, posted on wednesday

Wow its january already? (starting tomorrow) i cant believe the holidays are over and im now 32 weeks! yes i still have a while to go, 8 weeks to be precise. Lots has gone on in the past four weeks. Iv had a number of dr. visits, a baby shower and Christmas of course.  Lets start with the shower shall we, well i had my baby shower on the 18th of december, yes i know kind of early but i had friends down for the holidays and i really wanted them to be able to come, it was a really nice shower and it turned out so good, My sweet neighbors the esplins were so kind to throw me such a great shower, i am so thankful i have caring friends, family, neighbors and ward members. Im pretty sure i have mostly everything i will need. (to some extent) Now onto christmas, My sister danielle, her husband erik and their new little baby maddyx arrived on the 23rd to spend christmas with us. christmas turned out better than i expected, i didnt really expect anything this year because of the whole situation but my parents were so kind and treated me well, I got a new crib, changing table/dresser, clothes to fit my fat belly, a robe which i really really wanted (i know silly) and of course stocking stuff filled with a few gift cards money and other goodies. The rest of the holiday was spent just hanging out with family and eating of course. Friday my sister kim got here from des moines iowa with her daughter ainslee and she is staying until danielle erik and maddyx get sealed which is the 3rd. its been fun having them here, having nice sister time, and getting to know how it will be to have a baby in the house, im getting lots of practice. next is pregnancy portion of my post, Ive been to the dr. a few times in the past four weeks, things are looking good as far as the dr, and i can tell, im measuring right on and things are looking great, I did fail my first glucose test which meant i had to go do another test that consisted of drinking the nasty drink waiting three hours, and getting my blood drawn four times, it was a horrible time, and i hope i passed this one. These next few weeks are going to be pretty busy, filled with lots of dr visits and getting everything ready for this little man to come, i know it seems like far away but im sure it will go by fast. thats all for now and i hope everyone had a great holiday!

32 weeks

  • belly button is getting smaller by the day as my belly gets bigger by the day
  • sleeping is still a struggle
  • feels like someone punched me in the ribs
  • getting hard to breath
  • mexican food phase has pretty much passed
  • i love love love ice ( my sister thinks i have pica)
  • still not as uncomfortable as everyone says im going to be towards the end